Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer night

Still no cicadas. Maybe the ones we heard last year go to sleep for seventeen years? Some do, then emerge from the earth to surprise everyone again. I have become used to cicadas in summer: in France, they accompanied me on walks up the paths to the Vercors.

Drifted in and out of sleep last night.

Birds were singing in the dark. Quiet trilling, gentle, like a lullaby.

There are no nightingales here--and they did not sound like nightjars.

May have been the Northern Mockingbirds having a late night?

Early morning, and the biggest egrets are one-legged sleeping around a pond in the wetlands. Sometimes they wake up there: sometimes, perched in one of the old, empty-leaved trees.

And then I heard a rattle... one maraca...

Maybe we wil have cicadas this year after all.

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