Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday already!

Two really big events coming up (or so I'm told). Tomorrow is Groundhog Day, when loads of people trek through wind, snow, rain or whatever to see if a groundhog, cruelly disturbed from its winter sleep, can see its shadow or not. If said groundhog can see shadow, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow, winter will soon be over. I.e., if the sun shines tomorrow then expect more wind, snow, rain and whatever.

The other big event this weekend is Superbowl Sunday. This is the final game of the season's football (i.e., American football) ... and when you get to see all the coolest adverts (which cost their producers more than Britney's mansion). However, the fate of this game has already been decided by Princess the Camel. I saw her on TV. She is a two-humped Bactrian camel and, by choosing a cookie with the name of one team or another from her owner's hands, she has decided the result of the superbowl eight out of the past ten times (or seven out of nine, or something like that). This year she has cast her winning spell on the New York Giants.

Who knew America was ruled by a zoo????

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