Monday, January 14, 2008

Crying wolf

Guess what?

No snow. Yes, it rained. Yes, the wind blew. Yes, Fury barked like mad at 3.15 this morning because of a strange noise (freezing rain? sleet? just big raindrops? hitting the house from the north). But snow??? Not a trace.

"The ground temperature is too high."

I don't know if the American media was like this before 911, but this is pretty typical. Get really, really, REALLY worked up about something dangerous/risky/problematic... and then see nothing happen.

Remember what happened to the little boy who cried, "Wolf!"?

My snow shovel is going to stay in the garage today.

Oh.... an "Arctic Express" will arrive this weekend. Based on the reliability of the forecasts for the non-existant snowstorm, I'm going to prepare to go sunbathing on the beach. :-)

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