Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A few notes

Been away from keyboard; keeping the tendonitis at bay. Just watching the changes, changing... been here (almost, not quite) a year. So I have experienced the whole cycle, once... but it's still changing every day, it's all new.

- Mini-egrets have appeared. No, they are not babies, and no, I didn't shrink them--they are just small egrets. Like miniature versus standard poodles. Just with feathers.
- Mini-herons too. I saw one perched in a tree (no I wasn't dreaming, it was perched, and in a tree) at the bottom of the garden. Glossy greeny-brown, russet-brown chest.
- The deer have allowed me to see the beautiful purple iris in the front garden. They are royalty (the irises... OK, the deer too, I am their humble subject, anything to stop them beheading any more flowers).
- The birdhouse gourd vines have sprouted (giant seed-leaves!)
- The collection of sedum(s) has grown and have been housed in nice blue pots from Forge River Nursery
- The lilac is pale mauve (back garden) and deep red-purple (little one in the front), and it makes me sneeze when I sniff it (it's worth it, it smells so good)
- The allium is flowering, blue-purple (sense a colour scheme here???? not all intentional)
- The sunflowers are almost a foot high...

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