Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blue rhododendrons???

Couldn't resist them. There they were, tucked away between the purple and pink ones... two Rhododendron "Blue Baron"... Home Depot of all places (they are dark violet, almost-but-not-quite midnight blue). They are now planted on the right side of the driveway, in the shelter of the trees.

I moved the magnolia: was not happy at the front near the street. Moved it up to the left of the front lawn. Filled the hole at the front with a new Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), an "Arbor Day" special from Home Depot, less than $20 and much taller than I am. I hope it will be OK there.

Other new additions this weekend: a Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius "Burkwood") with flowers a surprising maroon colour. Not yellow. I saw it from across the rhododendrons and thought, that's bizarre, it's broom but someone's dyed the flowers...

The pond is a little better: so far, the water-level is staying pretty steady, even with the waterfall. Am starting marginal plant garden in the "shallow end", but all in pots, terracotta to keep them wet; standing them right in the water. With other non-water-plants-but-reedlike-all-the-same plants raised out of the water.

Planted some lupins (pink ones and hopefully blue, the label had fallen out), and some lemon grass (to scare the mosquitos and to use in Thai food). It will be an annual here, unlike the clump I planted in Citrus Heights which went from 2" pot to 6' in less than six months.

The herb garden (actually, the collection of herbs-in-pots, can't decide where to put them, am tempting the deer with them to see what they do/don't like, so-far-so-good) has grown some more. Now have a big tub with about six types of mint (including chocolate mint, spearmint, and a couple of others: the peppermint is in a separate pot); three different basils; coriander AKA cilantro; sage; curly parsely; chives and garlic chives (they are both just peeping out); caraway (feathery fronds like carrots)... and more.

The lilac is on the verge of flowering... so is the allium in the raised garden... the daffodils are gone, but the tulips by the garage (in pots, conveniently placed at nibbling height for the deer but so far they haven't noticed) are just opening.

And the wind is rising again...

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