Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Today, the hedgerows are suddenly full of flowering golden rod. It's the plant with the yellow flower that can be used to dye fabric. Yellow or green or brown, depending on the mordant.

At least, that's the plant that I recognised as I walked past the tall grassy plants and small, yellow flowers. But Wikipedia's photo is a completely different plant. And encyclopedia Brittanica says that there are about 100 different goldenrods (genus Solidago of the family Asteraceae). I checked my old faithful, "Wayside and Woodland Blossoms", by Edward Step, F.L.S., 1909... but that's from England and this is New York State. Anyway it wasn't in Step's index either.

Am I imagining things? I swear we learned about this wild flower in the Girl Guides... no, not imagination, just one of a hundred different flowers for Wikipedia to choose from, and it they didn't choose the one that seems to be growing on both sides of the Atlantic.

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