Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hole in my bucket, dear 'Liza, dear 'Liza...

Actually it's a hole in the roof. Yuck. Bright side is that a) we found out before *real* storms in the winter and b) it happened before all the nice new drywall is installed. It's the flat roof and, as flat roofs like to do, it isn't draining properly.

Albert-the-contractor kindly just spent half an hour on a stepladder sweeping the water off.

I rigged up a nifty device with a bucket, some wood balanced across the stairwell, and an expanding cobweb-remover pole to guide the water into the bucket and stop that darn dripping. Worked perfectly until the pole dislodged itself, fell down and overturned the bucket of water...

Now waiting for roof guy to come and grin and have dollar-signs ring up in his eyes.

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