Thursday, July 05, 2007

After the fourth

Having spent three days doing hard labour in the garden, I didn't have the energy to go out in the rain to see fireworks. So I watched them from the windows, in the dry... and then was woken in the middle of the night to nature's fireworks--a magnificent thunderstorm. Dog and cat were not impressed ;-)

Here are some more pictures of the pond and garden now--have cleared some of the borders, tidied them, edged and mulched them. Removed more of the creepers and vines and overgrown wild roses from the fence. I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards from all the scratches and bruises and scrapes.

Now I'm tempted to clear the land behind the fences... that really must wait until after the house is better. But wouldn't it be nice to have a wooded glade to walk through????

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