Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday road trip: Greenport

We stopped in Greenport for brunch at a village-center cafe. All-day breakfast, lentil soup and ice cream. I went for the soup and it was tepid but delicious.
The shops are cute and arty. A small ceramic owl, simple but decorative, caught my eye, but the decimal point on the price tag was in the wrong place, so it stayed in its place on the shelf.
I tried to capture the colour and atmosphere of the rusting shipyard building, but didn't quite achieve it. Something about rust and boats and harbours makes it all real and not just a tourist show.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Not too long ago Greenport reminded me of present day Mastic Beach. Let us use our affordibility and our bountiful geography to build great community.

    Thanks Allison for the great blogs. You and Lentini (Mastastico) and Kenny Bloggins chronicle the great community we live in. Keep up the good work!
