Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cats' eyes

Another thing I miss from England.
Cats' eyes.
Not this sort... rather, the synthetic ones that are used as road markers, showing you where lanes end or where the centre of the road is. They reflect light. You can actually see the road markings when it's dark, when it's raining. A simple thing that doesn't need electricity. Invented in the UK in about 1933, when a gentleman called Percy Shaw saw a real-life feline's eyes reflecting light and patented a device that can be embedded in the road surface.
Now why the heck are they not used here?????

1 comment:

  1. But they are!

    Just not everywhere.

    I think those are, excuse me, the cat's pajamas, too and wish they were in use everywhere. Most of the time I see them near cities when they would be better in the rural countryside. I believe cost is probably the main issue.
