Friday, July 04, 2008

Nature's fireworks

July 4th, and the sky is filled with fireworks. The pets don't like it much, but I'm practising Dog Whisperer techniques and having Fury associate dog massage with exploding skies. So far, so good--she has managed to ignore 80% of the noise so far.

From the deck, I can see fireflies.

They are like sparks discarded from a cigarette: they flash a bright spark, less than a second, then go back to dark. You can think you are imagining things: flashes of light in peripheral vision. But they are there... nature's sparklers.



  1. lo unico q me parece muy bueno y lindo fue el ciervo lo demas no me intereza

  2. Watching fire flies in the dark is an amazing experience. The way they twinkle kindles your fanciful imagination.

    Have a good day!

  3. Please can someone translate the Spanish comment? My machine translation says, "The only q seems very good to me and pretty intereza was the red deer others not me", and that doesn't make a lot of sense!

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    What beautiful pictures, links, and thoughts on your site.

    I noticed your comment, however, about having Fury associate dog massage with probably already do this, but I want to make sure to emphasize that you also associate massage with many PLEASANT things as well! You do not want her to start to dislike massage because she only gets it when scary things are happening. Like I said, maybe you already do this, but please make sure your dog has many pleasant associations with massage before you use it to help him/her deal with the anxiety of an unpleasant experience. If you'd like to learn more, check out my learn to do it yourself DVD, Dog Massage for Health and Happiness. at

    Have a wonderful day, and many happy massages to your pooch!
