Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dog visitor

This is the dog who came to visit this week. We don't know his name, but he was a real gentleman (if a little down on his luck--nothing that a nice hot bath wouldn't have solved). I was taking Fury for a walk when he came trotting out from the wetlands beach. I did an about-turn with Fury, but she'd noticed him and, of course, wanted to show who was boss. I spent the next ten minutes dragging her eighty-plus pounds all the way back home. Each time we turned a corner, I thought we were safe, but each time, he followed. He followed us right into the front garden and sat there on the grass.

And... once she was inside the house, Fury decided that he was a Nice Guy. And let him in, where he drank a large bowl of water, ate a big bowl of her food, and snoozed. He would not climb the stairs though--either couldn't, wouldn't, or didn't think it was allowed.

We posted him as Found Dog on craigslist and on, called the local vets, called the Animal Shelter (where they took all the details), put up a sign and walked him through the neighbourhood, looking for his home... but no-one called. A couple came to see him, who had lost a labrador a while ago, but it wasn't their dog.

Poor guy... we were sure his family were looking for him. So Friday we took him to the animal shelter where they told us that the family had been calling all morning (but they hadn't passed on the information that we'd given them and which was pinned to their "found dogs" noticeboard in the lobby. Anyway... happily, he was reunited with his family.

The animal shelter takes in strays and dogs and cats that are given up for adoption. It is a sad place full of barking, hopeful dogs looking for someone to love them, feed them or even just tolerate them. Most of the dogs were pit bulls or pit-cross-somethings. Some old and grey-whiskered, some young pups, and some without ages. All were sad and I cried to see them. Not enough to take another one home: but because they needed homes of their own.

If you want a dog, go to the shelters and find him there. He's waiting, your dog. You'll know him when you meet him.

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